ranking minority member9 (2)(cm)
report to assembly:
administrative rule reviewed by committee 20
proposal: with recommendations18
proposal: without recommendation19
room assignments9 (9)
speaker nonvoting member of all9 (8)
subcommittees, chairperson of committee may appoint 11 (2)
vice chairperson appointed by speaker9 (2)(bm)
Subcommittees, may be appointed by chairperson of
11 (2)
Subpoenas for witnesses3 (1)(o)
Subsidiary motions (definition)95 (87)
Subsidiary motions and requests during debate 65 (2)
Substantive corrections in proposal by committee on
assembly organization
23 (2), (3)
Substitute amendment:
adoption of one of a series cuts off action on others 55 (3)
amendment to substitute: permitted52 (2)(a)
consideration of amendments to55 (2)(a)
constitutional amendments on 2nd consideration,
Joint Rule 57 (2)
definition of "substitute amendment" 95 (88)
division not proper80 (4)
how offered by committee18 (2)
read at length if not provided35 (2)
sequence of considering55 (1)(a), (b), (c)
takes place of original proposal if adopted 52 (2)(a)
Successive calls of assembly on same question 88
Sufficient seconds (support of 15 members required):
definition of "sufficient seconds"95 (89)
required for:
call of the assembly requested by a member 83 (3)
motion to end debate71
roll call vote requested by member76 (3)
Survey committees, joint:
bills may not be withdrawn from15 (1)(a)
rules committee may return bill to speaker for
referral to24 (3)(a)
simultaneous referral of bill to several committees 42 (1)(b), (c)
subsequent reference of bill originally referred to 45
Suspension of rules (unanimous consent or roll call required):
by two-thirds roll call vote of members present 90 (1)
by unanimous consent90
definition of "suspension of the rules" 95 (90)
limited to achieving purpose stated in request or motion 90 (3)
motion acted on without debate67
not to be used for frivolous, indecorous, dilatory
purposes90 (5)
privileged motion or request65 (1)(a)
proper at any time, under any order of business, except
while voting90 (4)
purpose sought to be stated in motion90 (2)
Table, motion to:
applies only to proposals currently before assembly 74 (1)
calendar, rules committee may refer tabled proposal to 74
motion to place on: debate limited to 10 min.
(2 min/member)74 (2)
motion to take from74
not amendable74 (2)
not applicable to procedural motions74 (3)
precedence of motion65 (2)(a)
temporary disposition (unless referred to calendar
by rules committee)
when not referred to calendar by rules committee,
tabled proposal may be taken from table at any time
by order of assembly
withdraw from committee, motion may be tabled
unless made under suspension of rules
74 (3)
Take from table74
Television representatives admitted to floor of assembly
when engaged in reporting proceedings
25 (3)
Temporary presiding officer4
Temporary special committee10 (2), (3)
Third reading:
corrective amendment by committee on assembly
organization 23 (2)
purpose48 (1)
question, how stated75 (1)(b)
senate sent proposals after time for reconsideration expires50
special order may be advanced to 3rd reading by majority of
members present and voting33 (4)
Three readings:
bills to receive before passage40 (1)
on separate and nonconsecutive legislative days 40 (1), 41
special order or session, majority of members present
and voting required to advance to next
33 (4), 93 (7)
Tie vote loses question81
any member may move reconsideration73
Time limit on debate:
adoption or rejection of special order resolution
(5 min/question)33 (3)
business on delayed calendar: 5 min/member,
20 min/question60 (1)
motion for reconsideration: 3 min/member 73 (7)
motion to lay on the table: 2 min/member,
10 min/question
74 (2)
under special orders: set by resolution 33 (1)
Title of bill, see also Joint Rule 52 (1):
chief clerk or legislative reference bureau to make
technical corrections
special provisions relating to appropriations,
penalties, rule-making
36 (1)(c)
Title of committee, any business relevant to, subject to
hearings14 (1)
Tourism, recreation, and state properties, committee on
(standing committee)
9 (1)(v)
Transmittal of proposals:
to governor by directive of assembly or speaker
23 (4)